for your gelding, if he's frame, it dont matter. He will never reproduce, so it is not of concern.
Really, OLWS is not half as bad as HYPP or HERDA. There is like a handful of homo frame horses who are living, why someone paid to have their rectum/intestines fixed after messing up that big in the first place beats me though. But 99% of the time, Homo frames die shortly after birth.
OLWS = Frame. Thats why the term "overo" really is not correct. Simply because Splash, Sabino and Frame are all lumped as one pattern with that word, when they are not at all.
Frame is very very sneaky, it can and will hide. That is how you could say breed my frame (he is not only frame of course) stud to a solid AQHA mare and end up with a lethal provided you dont test. This is also why I test all my breeding stock.
Also, splash and sabino can create a frame like effect, as well as occaisionally splash by itself. That is why its best to test all breeding stock.
They have never pinpointed where OLWS came from, unlike Impressive (HYPP) and the speculated Poco Bueno (HERDA).
If I breed my Frame stud, to a frame mare, I have a 50% chance of a lethal white foal. If I breed my frame stud to a non frame mare, I have a 25% chance that I will have a foal who carries frame.
Frame is also one of the most popular "overo" patterns, and it is oddly enough what usually ends up winning on the APHA circuit. Tobiano's got nothing on Frames.
I have a colt that at first glance, screams tobiano if you don't have a keen eye. You look closer and you can see he is a "tovero". He's a gelding, so I never tested him however I am about 80% sure he is carrying frame as well as splash. Frame is subtle, and very sneaky in that sense.
and no problem, I have no issues sharin my knowledge
Actually, feels like its put to better use this way! lol