I'm gonna put my 2 cents in about government health care. I looked into the rules, and if one of my kids was on life support, it would be my choice as next of kin wether or not they stayed on. Nobody else has the right to make that decision, no matter how bleak the situation looked.
Here in Manitoba, a politician brought up an idea he called "workfare". Not a new idea, but a good one all the same. Able bodied people would not be able to just show up and collect their checks. They would have to put in their time. I was totally behind this idea, but it tanked. Even things like shovelling out old ladies walkways in the winter would be more than nothing. The guy who rented our house in town was on welfare. For the 1st two and a half months, we didn't see a penny of rent. I phoned up his worker and found out that they had sent the money to him. He'd spent it on beer. He ended up owing us around a thousand in back rent, as welfare didn't give him the whole amount. He was expected to make up the difference. Never happened. Also left a water bill of over $550. Most of us work hard every day and have to see bums like that waste away that hard earned money.
There is a kid in town here who's life goal was to grow up and get his own check. Well, he's lucky. Who else can fulfill their life goal at 18? Granted, he was still in high school, so at least at that point I wasn't arguing too much. But then at 20, he got kicked out of school. Hadn't even got past 9th grade. Fetal Alcohol baby. But still capable of doing manual labor. Now he's got to be 22 and still on welfare. He gets his exercise every day picking up his case of beer at the store. Makes me so mad.
What we need to be doing in North America is to quit supporting these people. I've been told that putting welfare bums to work cutting lawns and watering flowers would keep high school kids out of summer jobs. But there have got to be enough programs out there to keep them all busy.