I give up... or we give up! We have two coons coming down and getting into the feed. We've put traps out, hid them, put all sorts of goodies in it, and the danged things are literally flipping them over, getting the goodies out, or tripping it somehow...now I know what's been getting my cats!!!!
Anyhoos, so Rick's on vacation this week, and he and Dillon are planning on sitting in the lawn chairs, just short of the barn, with guns - thankfully, nobody's in the barn, but criminey, we've never had trouble trying to trap anything like this before!!!!!!!
On another note, FOOTBALL officially starts today - Dillon has his first scrimage - starting both ways, may even get to carry the ball... SWEET!
Kid's doing well - already seems super less studdy!!! Jazz is up in the front lot by "HERSELF", a half an acre, gets fed 1/2 scoop of pellets and oats, and she's a fat hog - course Kid stands vigil, too... across the fence!