It started raining last night at around 11. By this morning, we had around 2 inches of rain, and the power was out. We actually had it pretty good. People to the south of us had hail as big as eggs. Broke some windows, ruined some crops. And to top it all off, the memorial garden at the next tiny little town was trashed by the hail and as part of our RM's 125th Anniversay celebration this weekend, they were having a big garden thing there.
I was supposed to have a roast cooked this morning, had the oven set to turn on at 5am. The 4-H club is selling beef on a bun in town tonight. It's in now, power came back on about an hour ago. Plus, I went to put in my contacts. They are GONE. My glasses are broken, all I have to wear is my prescription sunglasses. Real fun at night. AHHHH.
Tomorrow Brennen & I wil be riding in the parade. Taegan & Sean are going to sit and watch with Wade. They'd prefer to get candy to ride in it. I'll ask Wade to take some pics. After the parade, our club is hosting a fun gymkhana. Each kid gets a rope halter for participating. It's all stuff like egg & spoon and ribbon races. We may have barrels & poles after one dad complained that his kid wanted to be competitive and the "crap stuff" wasn't for them. He just wants to show off his daughter, but come on, most of this is planned for old ladies to watch, barrles & poles get boring for them after a few run.
Then on Sunday, there was that cow horse thing I entered. They had to cancel it due to lack of entries. There is also a team penning and a team ranch thing on the same day. We were also going to have a barrel calcutta, but the people who own the indoor arena are putting on a 3-D. That's just sour grapes because he's afraid our free outdoor arena in town is going to take business away from him. Sure, it will, but the guy who was planning the stuff in town is supposed to be a friend of his and helps the guy out with his chores all the time. He knew what was being planned, it's not like he can use that as an excuse.
So anyhow, I am off to pick up my horses from my grandparent's place. We brought them there on Wednesday to go trail riding with my city cousin who is visiting this week. Sounds like she's had a blast. Brennen really liked taking his colt somewhere new and Seth behaved like an old trail horse. This is going to be a long day.