She says she can judge without descrimination. I hope so.
They will phone here for a load of sand for their arena and refuse to talk to me. So we haven't hauled them the sand yet. I think they both know alot, but the one is super opinionated. She believes you and I are both entitled to our opinions, but if they are not the same as hers, then we are wrong. She was our instructor for 5 lessons the first year we started the 4-H club. When I went to her with some parent concerns regarding the basics such as holding reins properly, she told me she taught that at the first lesson, if they missed it or didn't pick it up, was that her fault. She also told a 13 year old girl she didn't know how to ride (made the kid cry). Umm, that is exactly why she was at lessons, to learn. She also told people that our club sucked and we had no business on horses. Once again, club full of beginners, thank you muchly.
We had a parent meeting to discuss whether to keep her on as a instructor. Didn't invite her because some of the parents found her too intimidating. They asked me specifically not to invite her. I told her why we were having the meeting without her and her reply was "intimidating? I'll show them intimidation".
I don't think they're bad people. Just need to lighten up a bit. I'm probably worrying for nothing, but he worked so hard on his book, plus with Sandy getting hurt, this last few weeks has kinda sucked for him.