few months ago, I was about to officially retire Kate because I thought Pinto was running well. At the beginning of the summer, he still wasnt so I decided to race in a few more barrel races with Kate. Shes been getting better and all, but I just think shes getting way to old and skinny to keep up with the other horses. If she would put on weight, I probably would still race her, but its just too hard on her now. And her recent accident with barbed wire made me decide that im not going to bring her back into racing shape. Shes lost a lot of muscle and I believe shes showing early signs of arthritis. Shes turning 23 years old in a few months and has been barrel racing since I got her 2 years ago. I think its the right thing to do and at her age, its unfair because it isnt doing well on her joints. She will have the run of her own paddock and probably be ridden lightly and used for lessons, but thats about it. She will not be sold because at her age she wouldnt go anywhere good. At the last race we went to a month ago, she ran her personal best, an 18 second run, and I think its a good note to end on.